Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In a Random Coincidence...

Last week as I was working on my post for the Zulu tribe I had received an email from my friend who was visiting South Africa with her fiance; she had mentioned that she was going to Mozambique for a few days and would be visiting her fiance's family who lives in South Africa.  In a random coincidence I had actually come across Mozambique earlier that day in doing research on the Zulu tribe, so I wrote her back telling her of my assignment and my research into this South African culture.  I just checked my email tonight and found that she just responded to my email and had incredible news...during her time in South Africa she visited Phezulu  to learn all about the Zulu tribe as her fiance's family is from a Zulu background. Even though we've already submitted our assignment, I thought it was too incredible not to post that a close friend of mine was on the other side of the world learning about the same culture, in the same exact week that I was.  She was able to send me a few photo's that she had taken during her visit, so I thought I would share them.


  1. Wow, that is a really awesome coincidence. That's so cool. Do you wish you had gone with her? I would love to go visit South Africa, and have always been fascinated by Capetown. After having done our assignment, now I'd love to add the coastal and mountain regions of KwaZulu Natal to any future visit I might take to South Africa.

    1. I would love to go to South Africa one day as it has so much to offer; culture, scenery, safari's, just to mention a few. I've seen pictures from her last trip and South Africa looks absolutely incredible. This was her second time visiting her fiance's family, and due to this research assignment, I was able to connect to a part of her trip that we may have otherwise not discussed. Timing is everything.

  2. That is wonderful, Sarah! I appreciate your sharing these with the class.
